Hello Again

So if you’ve been reading the news, you’d know that Twitter has been bought over by an absolute turd of a person. What will change once he fully takes the reins remains to be seen, but if his character is anything to go by, I doubt it’ll be any good. I suppose that means that…

Home Brewer Series: Chapter 4

I know I’ve left this blog a little dusty. I haven’t forgotten this place, I promise. I have a lot i I want to write about, but every time, I feel like I don’t know enough of that thing. I’ll be back, I promise, but in the meantime, here’s something I wrote about coffee! We’re…

What a time

Day by day, annoyance at this government does nothing but escalate. From half assed-last-minute-bound-to-change SOPs, to taking very little accountability to mucking up our vaccine distribution. Imagine a government, given emergency powers (medical emergency or political emergency, our constitution really doesn’t differentiate – emergency is emergency), but has zero fortitude to impose measures required –…

ASB Financing – how does it work?

Ages ago, I wrote a post briefly talking about ASB loans, and how they work, some people found it useful, so I thought I’d reproduce it here. One of my earliest tasks when I first started working as a personal financial consultant was to promote the ASB loan to prospective bumiputera clients. The product, offered…

Impostor syndrome

Wow, it’s been about two months since I wrote anything here. Since then, many things have changed, and some things, not at all. Does that make sense? Looking back at my previous technical analysis post, I surmise that I was dead wrong. Glove stocks didn’t tank, they’re neither here, neither there. The KLCI also is…

Technically speaking – The End of The Game?

The melody can’t find youI’m incomplete without youI guess we’ve reached the end of the gameOoh, hit me Weezer, 2020 For a lot of investors, 2020 has been a year of good (mis)fortune. If anyone managed to ride in early on the glove euphoria – and hopefully managed to hop off midway – they would…

Coffee and I

Originally posted on Ame's Monologues:
How did I get myself into coffee? “oh, you studied in Melbourne! Coffee Mecca of the world (I’d bet some folks from Seattle might have a thing or to to say about that), of course you’d be into coffee! How could you not?!” The thing is, as far as…

Coffee Buzz

Originally posted on Ame's Monologues:
So, here’s another attempt at reviving this blog. And what better way to jolt something to life than to give it some caffeine? I figured, since I never know what to write about, why don’t I just write about something I’m obsessed with, like…coffee! I’m not a coffee snob…

Attention Deficit

I think I’ve figured out why I have hard time updating my blog. You see, putting down thoughts onto the screen, in a comprehensive, structured way requires a lot of effort. It needs you to sit, plan out the flow of ideas, how they mesh into one another and ends up as something that makes…

Same Old Same Old

It’s been a couple of months since my last update. Since then I had the intention of putting up a few posts, but, they were mainly revolving around the market. Because I don’t want this blog to be a “finance market” blog, I put them on hold. Since nothing else was going on elsewhere in…